Kinder Flow & Anti-Wear Materials
Maintain the efficiency, integrity and performance of processing bins, buckets, chutes, crushers, pugmills, silos and other bulk materials handling equipment.

We supply Kinder Australia’s range of engineered, high performance anti-wear materials. To assist with material flow propagation and reduce the continuous wear to hopper and chute surfaces, a range of low co-efficient friction linings, with abrasion and corrosion resistance, making a noticeable difference to ongoing belt conveyor and bulk materials handlings maintenance requirements and keep operational costs low for a range of applications.
From products such as the K-Redi-Liner® Polyurethane which is a bolt-in system that can be arranged into any wear pattern while providing the highest wear protection due to the solid kryptane engineered polyurethane.
We also supply the K-Superline® Polyurethane Lining which is a unique proprietary kryptane urethane wear liner that has been engineered to meet the particular demands of specific application materials such as sliding abrasion, impact damage, sticking material or excessive corrosion.
The K-Redi-Liner® KP Dual Duro is an extra heavy duty modular wear liner that provides the same existing high performance as the K-Redi-Liner® Polyurethane with a bolt in system that can be arranged into wear pattern but the unique combination of the 63 Duro for shock absorption combined with the cut/tear resistance of 93 Duro has created a new generation of high-performance liner.
From UHMWPE, polyethylene, polyurethane moulding, wear rubbers, ceramic linings, and plates, we have the anti-wear abrasion materials to assist you.

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