Our supply of screw Screens ensure efficient solids-liquid separation in the primary treatment section of civil waste water treatment plants, as well as in various industrial applications.

The separation process starts inside the screen which holds back solids only. The internal part of the screen is continuously cleaned by special brushes fixed on the outside diameter of the spiral. As the water runs through the screen the shaftless spiral conveys the solids up towards the compacting module where the material is further de-watered. Depending on the material properties, screenings can be reduced by more than 35% of their original volume.
- Fabricated parts entirely manufactured from 304 L / 316 L SS
- Flow rates of up to 1,000 m3/h (590 cfm)
- Perforated or wedge wire screen baskets in various mesh sizes
- Shaftless conveyor screws manufactured from 304 / 316 SS or special high resistance steel
- Versatile units for concrete channel installation
- No outlet end bearing, no intermediate bearings
- Solids extraction of up to 0.33 dm3/s
- No jamming or locking even with fibrous products thanks to the shaftless spiral
- Solids volume reduction of up to 35%
- Absence of internal bearings
- Slow r.p.m.
- Possibility of discharging into plastic bags
- Durable screw brushes
- Low investment and maintenance costs
- Cost reduction for waste water treatment