Concrete Consolidation
Enhance concrete quality with vibration—reduce voids, air pockets, and trapped air for a flawless finish.

Fresh concrete does not compact by itself because the poor fluidity cannot surpass internal friction. Only vibration can overcome this force.
Vibration Favours
- The surfacing of the air trapped in the concrete
- The displacement of aggregates, aligning them to one another, with consequent reduction of cavities, conferring them high density and perfect homogeneity
- The adhesion of the concrete to the bars of the reinforcement armatures or to any internal structural inserts, as well as to the basic anchorages.
- High mechanical resistance.
- Low porosity and thus low permeability to water and to aggressive substances contained therein.
- Absence of cracks within the concrete, in the proximity of the reinforcement armatures’ bars.
- Complete filling of the formwork.
- Increase in the life cycle of the concrete.
- High aesthetic result.
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